Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Step 1: Get Organized

And I'm not kidding. You need to think about what system will work for you before you go crazy clipping away. Otherwise, you'll have a mess on your hands.

There are a few different methods, and I think they are all fine and dandy, its all a personal preference.

First, you need to find a physical way to hold the coupons:

#1: The traditional Coupon Box

We've all seen them.. some bigger than others. But basically its a index card box with a whole bunch of dividers or an accordian file:

You can simply get a index card storage box and blank dividers at Staples, Wal Mart or the like for relatively cheap. They hold a ton of coupons and are very easily adjusted to fit your needs. The downfall that I have found is that its bulky and I personally would always be leaving it at home... which find of defeats the purpose. It can also be awkward to put larger store coupons which you print online in it (unless you are great at origami of course!)

If you want to get a little more fancy (or just want more of a ready made organizer), may I suggest this Etsy Seller:

Super cute designs, 2 sizes and relatively inexpensive. Love them! I have no personal experience but they look fantastic. And bonus... they hook ONTO the shopping cart!

#2: The Envelope System

Essentially the same concept as above.. only using envelopes. Cheap and easily replaceable once they wear out.

#3: The Binder

This is the one that is going to get you the most side eyes at the store. You might look like a weirdo, but you will be super organized. This is my personal preference and you have a whole range of simple and tiny to huge and out of control.

I love this system. Its so organized and expandable. The above photo is not my binder... I actually have a small one (5.5"x8.5") that I can keep in my purse at all times.

If you choose to use a standard binder, then you can get plastic sleeves with pockets in various sizes. You can use trading card sheets, photo sheets and even regular 8.5x11 sheet protectors for your larger coupons. You can buy a set of dividers that are color coded, or numbered, or blank so you can write in whatever you want.

For me, the smaller binder was just easier because I knew it would ALWAYS be in my purse. You can find these mini binders at Staples, and you can get mini sheet protectors as well. The downside is that I haven't found dividers or sheet protectors with multiple pockets in this size. But here is how I made my own!
  • I took brightly colored paper and slipped it into the sheet protectors and used s different color for each main category. The bonus here is it doubles the capacity of each sheet protector!!
  • I then had some Post-It stick on divider tabs that I used to designate those larger categories so I could easily flip to one or the other when needed.
  • I then took Post-It flags and wrote more specific items on them and taped them directly onto the sheet protectors.
All together, I spent maybe $20. And I made that up in one shopping trip. I will try and take some photos tomorrow and post them.

If you google anything like "Coupon binder" or "coupon organizer" you'll find lots of ideas, photos and even people who sell hand made ones. Etsy its a great place too. But like I said, its easy to make your own and 100% personalize it!

After you figure out the physical system... you'll need to pick your categories. This is a total personal preference. You can sort by expiration date, layout of the store you frequent, alphabetical, or common categories.

Here is my category system:

  • Cold/Frozen
  1. Produce/Deli
  2. Cheese
  3. Milk/Cream/Eggs
  4. Yougurt/Dips/Butter
  5. Frozen Meals/Appetizers
  6. Pastries/Cookies
  7. Ice Cream/Desserts
  8. Meats
  9. Veggies
  • Grocery
  1. Cereal/Snack Bars
  2. Snacks/Chips
  3. Canned Goods
  4. Condiments
  5. Pastas/Sauces
  6. Prepared Meals
  7. Baking Supplies
  8. Candy/Gum
  9. Rice/Breads
  10. Juice/Soda/Waters
  • Cleaning/Home Needs
  1. Paper Towels/Toilet Paper/Kleenex
  2. Food Storage/Trash Bags
  3. Bathroom/Kitchen
  4. Laundry
  5. Air Fresheners
  6. Cat Supplies
  7. Light Bulbs/Batteries
  8. Office Supplies
  • Personal & Baby
  1. Lotion/Soap
  2. Shaving/Face Wash
  3. Shampoo/Hair Care
  4. Deoderant/Toothpaste
  5. Pain Relief/Digestive Needs
  6. Cold/Flu/Allergy
  7. Feminine
  8. Contacts/Glasses
  9. Baby Formula/Food
  10. Diapers/Wipes
  • Restaurants
  • Crafts
  • Clothing/Misc
  • Store Specific Coupons
Again... its all what works for you. If you already have a stash of coupons, sort through them now and think about what would be easiest for you. A lot of people swear by the store layout method but since I shop at so many stores (and you'll learn why I promise!) it just wouldn't work for me.

I'll try to get photos up of my binder tomorrow.. and another beginner post. But for now... start thinking about how to set up your system for success!

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